New rules for wearing masks and universities and crossing Polish borders

On Monday (18 October), the Council of Ministers Regulation amending the Regulation on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic was published in the Official Gazette!

What has changed?

The new regulation introduces regulations according to which the EU digital covid certificate or exemption from the obligation to undergo quarantine after crossing the Polish border may be obtained by a person who was vaccinated against COVID -19 outside the territory of Poland with a vaccine authorised for distribution in the European Union or included in the list of vaccine equivalents authorised for distribution in the territory of Poland, kept by the National Institute of Public Health – National Research Institute.
New rules for wearing masks!
The regulation modifies the regulations concerning the obligation to cover the mouth and nose at universities and at entities other than a university providing doctoral education. Covering the mouth and nose at a university and at an entity providing doctoral education or postgraduate studies and other forms of education is not compulsory unless otherwise decided by the rector or the head of the entity providing doctoral education, postgraduate studies or other forms of education.
More information on:
More details about the EU COVID Certificate:

Co się zmieniło?

Nowe rozporządzenie wprowadza regulacje, zgodnie z którymi unijny cyfrowy certyfikat covid lub zwolnienie z obowiązku odbycia kwarantanny po przekroczeniu granicy Polski może uzyskać osoba, która została zaszczepiona przeciwko COVID -19 poza terytorium Polski szczepionką dopuszczoną do obrotu w Unii Europejskiej lub znajdującą się na wykazie odpowiedników szczepionek dopuszczonych do obrotu na terytorium Polski, prowadzonym przez Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego PZH – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy.
Nowe wytyczne dot. noszenia maseczek na uczelniach!
Zakrywanie ust i nosa na uczelni nie jest obowiązkowe, chyba że inaczej zdecyduje rektor.